Construction and repair

What punch to buy for home

In this material: what characteristics are sufficient for perforators of household type; what brand to choose a puncher for homework.

The difference between a punch and a hammer drill

In this material: in what case and for what drills and perforators are used; what is the difference between the main operational characteristics of an impact drill and a perforator.

Choose and stack the cork backing

In this material: technical characteristics, properties and varieties of a cork substrate; what thickness to choose a substrate for laminate flooring; cork flooring.

What is better parquet or parquet board

In this article: what features does parquet and parquet board have; comparative characteristics of floor coverings.

The difference between aerated concrete or foam concrete

In this article: what cellular concrete are their names and classification; features of the production of foam concrete and aerated concrete; Comparison of foam concrete and aerated concrete according to the main operational characteristics.

How to choose a parquet board

In this article: how to make a parquet board; varieties and selection of the upper layer of the floorboard; how to choose a parquet board with excellent appearance and good performance; what points you should pay attention to in the store immediately before purchasing the material; what parameters of the floorboard is not possible to see, but it is necessary to know about them.

What is better parquet board or solid board

In this article: comparison of parquet and solid boards, their advantages and disadvantages; comparison of prices for these floor coverings; which flooring is more practical and reliable.

What can be the thickness of the floorboard

In this article: what is the thickness of each layer of the floorboard; within what limits the total thickness of a parquet board can vary and where it is best to use one or another option; how many millimeters can be the thickness of the parquet floor, taking into account the substrate and the leveling layer.

Laminate classification

In this article: what are the classes of laminate; what is the difference between the main 2 groups into which the laminate is divided by wear resistance.

Laminate which company is better

In this article: laminate brands; their advantages and disadvantages; which brands have the best quality; which brands have a good price - quality ratio; which brands of laminate flooring are the most popular.

Laminate Dimensions

In this article: what you need to know about the size of the laminate; what sizes are different brands and collections of laminate flooring.

How and with what to saw a laminate

In this article: what tools you can saw the laminate; in which case you can use one or another tool and how to properly make this sawing.

Laminate Laying Technology

In this article: how to calculate the amount of material needed for a laminate flooring diagonally; step-by-step instructions for laying the laminate diagonally.

What are the unique properties of Penoplex insulation; what are the varieties of insulation Penoplex, their characteristics and scope.

In this article: how the technical characteristics of mineral wool differ from polystyrene; in what cases and for what should foam be used, and where is basalt cotton wool best suited.

What is better to build a house

In this article: what affects the longevity of a home; from what materials is building a house cheaper; how the selected material for construction affects the speed of construction; which materials are more fire resistant; in which case you can invest in parts of the construction; which materials are warmer and more environmentally friendly.

Foam concrete blocks characteristics

In this article: types and brands of foam concrete, as well as technical characteristics of these brands; advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete blocks; selection criteria and tips for the use of foam concrete.

What is better to build a private house or apartment

In this article: the main aspects of choosing a house or apartment; what are the advantages of the house and what difficulties their owners may face; where it is safer to live; where there are more maintenance costs and utility bills; who might like to live in a country house.

Where to start building your home

In this article: how much money will be needed to build a house and how to save it; how to correctly allocate the time for construction work; how to choose the best house size; what material to choose for walls and roofs; how to decide who will build it and where to find a house project.

Characteristics of various varieties of insulation Knauf

In this article: what are the advantages of Knauf insulation; varieties of insulation Knauf their characteristics and scope.

Wall insulation with foam

In this article: how to prepare the surface of the walls and set the starting profile; how to apply the adhesive, depending on the evenness of the surface of the walls; technology, nuances and tips for installing foam boards on the walls; installation rules for dowels; technology for creating a reinforcing layer of mesh; Useful tips on how to do the job.

How to warm the attic

In this article: how to choose a heater for the attic; how to make insulation of ramps, floors, partitions, walls near dormers; how to make hydro- and vaporization insulation

Technical characteristics of insulation TechnoNIKOL

In this article: what types of insulation are manufactured by Technonikol; varieties and technical characteristics of various types of basalt wool and extruded polystyrene foam manufactured by the manufacturer TechnoNIKOL.

Video selection: Warming of a balcony or loggia

In this material, we present to your attention a video selection of materials in which the processes of insulation and decoration of balconies and loggias are described and graphically shown.

Specifications of basalt wool

In this article: what is basalt insulation and how is it produced; What characteristics does basalt wool have? for warming which objects it is most rational to use it; what are the disadvantages of this insulation.

Technical characteristics of insulation URSA

In this article: what types of heaters are manufactured under the URSA brand; what are their main advantages and possible disadvantages; what technical properties and characteristics they possess and where they can be applied.

Technical characteristics of penoizol, its properties and disadvantages

In this article: what components are part of the insulation and what is penoizol; what properties inherent in heaters have penofol; what are its disadvantages and why it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a contractor for insulation with penoizol.

Specifications Penofol

In this article: what is Penofol; what are the advantages of reflective insulation; what technical parameters Penofol has; what are the disadvantages of Penofol.

Technical characteristics of various grades of hydroisol

In this article: what is a roll hydroisol; what are the brands of hydroisol, depending on the scope of its application.

Thermal conductivity of expanded polystyrene

In this article: what is the thermal conductivity of expanded polystyrene; what determines and how the ability of expanded polystyrene not to pass heat and cold is determined.

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