When choosing a parquet board, pay attention to its thickness. Indeed, much depends on this parameter. So, the thickness of the floorboard determines, for example, the height of the entrance doors. In addition, when joining with ceramic tiles, they begin to lay out the tile coating on the upper level of the parquet floor. And it is regulated by the thickness of the board, the substrate and, in some cases, the leveling base. If the floors in the neighboring rooms turned out to be of different heights, a special docking profile is used.

What can be the thickness of the floorboard

Layers of the floorboard and the thickness of each

There are three layers in the board, perpendicular to each other. This increases the strength of the parquet, preventing it from losing shape. If we consider the board, starting from the bottom, then first we will see its wooden base with a thickness of 8 to 10 mm. For its manufacture, a well-dried spruce or other less valuable breed is taken. Next is a dense wood HDF board or thin coniferous wood lining 13 - 20 mm in size. A cladding layer with a thickness of 3 to 6 mm completes the board. It is made from valuable species of wood - birch, cherry, ash, oak, etc.

Parquet board by layers

What is the total thickness of the floorboard

7 mm. The thinnest models of a parquet board have a thickness of only 7 mm. This flooring is considered applicable only once - because you can’t recycle it and you won’t restore the surface. Although, if only the top layer of varnish has worn off, then it can be restored. This parquet coating is placed on glue, mainly used in nurseries, corridors and halls.

10 mm. The thickness of the parquet board is 10 mm - quite enough for paving. True, it is impossible to clean off more than 2 millimeters of the upper layer. Because of this, such a board is laid only on the base, which is very carefully aligned.

12 mm. About the same can be said about 12 mm thick parquet board. In addition, it can already be laid on top of a warm floor, which is made on the basis of infrared elements.

15 mm And what is the most popular thickness of a parquet board? The answer is simple - 15 mm. It can be mounted both on glue and with locks. It is possible to remove the top layer (working) up to 5 mm, therefore it is quite possible to restore the appearance of parquet not once, but several. In everyday life, use it most optimally.

20 mm. A 20 mm thick board is particularly durable. It is laid on the floor of offices and various public premises.

22 mm. The thickest board is also intended for public spaces - 22 mm thick. Stacking it with a complex pattern is expensive and long, so it is usually mounted in the simplest way - deck laying.

Usually, the instructions attached to the parquet say in what way and where it is best to lay it.

Remember: if the working layer of the parquet board is at least 6 mm, then you can grind the board 10 times, no less. So state standard specifications. Therefore, such parquet can lie for 100 years.

What is the thickness of a parquet board with a substrate

The height of the parquet floor will not at all equal the thickness of the parquet boards - it will be larger. After all, it is necessary to take into account both the leveling layer and the substrate. For alignment, it is customary to use plywood 10 mm thick, which is capable of making even a concrete floor with a slope and a wooden floor that has dried out over time. One plywood sheet costs about $ 12 or $ 15. Add to this the price of glue for plywood - $ 5 per kilogram. That is how much glue goes on one sheet. It turns out decent additional costs.

When working with a parquet board for every 2 m², the standards allow differences in height of up to 2 mm (taking into account shrinkage of the substrate and unevenness of the base).The correct thickness of the substrate for the parquet board is 2 mm. If you make it thicker, then the soft material (cork or foam) will compress and deform, and the parquet locks will begin to play and wear out. And this will not happen immediately, but only a few months later.

Video: Parquet board

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