Construction Materials

Overview of the best manufacturers of mineral wool and their products.

Review of the best manufacturers and brands of stone wool insulation.

What to look for when choosing a mounting foam, an overview of the best manufacturers of mounting foam and their products.

What are the types of foam, depending on: manufacturing technology, thermal insulation characteristics, shape and size of the sheet.

Overview of the types of soft roofs, their advantages and disadvantages.

What types of grout are, their advantages, disadvantages and best areas of application; how to choose a grout for a tile depending on color and purpose; Review of the best manufacturers of grout for tiles.

What are the requirements for heaters for a wooden house; what heaters are best used to warm the walls of a timber house for siding; what features of a hinged ventilated facade you need to know before conducting insulation.

An overview of the types of adhesive for tiles, how to determine the type of adhesive, an overview of the best brands of glue.

A detailed comparison of ondulin and roofing corrugated board for all operational characteristics.

Distinctive characteristics and comparison of stone and glass wool according to the most important parameters, the best areas of application of these mineral wool insulation.

In this article: what is the difference between the different types of timber used for building a house; Comparison of different types of timber in cost, complexity of building a house, thermal conductivity, environmental safety, durability and the need for additional finishing materials.

In this article: types of building sealants; rules for choosing a sealant for sealing joints and joints; what tools and tools may be needed to work with sealant.

In this article: how to make DSP; varieties of cement-bonded particleboards, their sizes and characteristics; areas of application of DSP.

In this article: what is the technology of building a house from a double beam; how much is a house from a double beam warmer than a house from an ordinary beam; advantages and disadvantages of a house built of double timber.

In this article: what are the requirements for porcelain glue; varieties of glue used for the installation of porcelain stoneware and their proper use; The best manufacturers and brands of glue for porcelain tiles.

In this article: grades and grades of plywood; what kind of plywood can be by type of front surface, environmental safety, composition of raw materials and purpose; standard sizes of plywood sheets and their marking.

In this article: features of the construction of houses from timber; what types of timber can be used for building a house; advantages and disadvantages of timber houses.

In this material: design and characteristics of screw piles; advantages and disadvantages of foundations on screw piles; factors affecting the durability of screw piles.

In this material: what harmful substances can be contained in OSB; formaldehyde content in OSB boards; how to choose environmentally friendly OSB; ways to protect against formaldehyde fumes.

In this article: types and characteristics of particleboard; manufacturability and applications of chipboards.

In this article: what is the difference between chipboard and chipboard; Comparison of materials for all major parameters; The best areas of application for chipboard and OSB.

In this article: how to produce plywood; what brands and grades of plywood exist; how labeling is deciphered; technical specifications and applications of plywood.

In this article: types of timber for building a house, their positive and negative sides.

In this article: varieties of paints according to the type of film-forming base; what special types of paints are; marking of paints and its decoding.

In this article: how a round log is made; Features of the construction of houses from logs, the advantages and disadvantages of the material.

In this material: what is a semi-dry floor screed and what materials are used in its arrangement; advantages and disadvantages of a semi-dry floor screed.

In this material: composition and structure of drywall and gypsum fiber sheets; comparison of technical characteristics of GVL and GKL, as well as the scope of materials.

In this material: what requirements should be met interventional seal; types and forms of seals; which materials are best suited for sealing inter-crown seams.

In this article: what factors influence the choice of foundation; how to choose the right type of foundation for a house from a beam, depending on the base and climatic conditions.

In this article: a comparison of framework and timber houses on the speed of construction, strength and durability of the house, thermal conductivity, environmental friendliness and fire safety, the possibility of planning and cost of the building.

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