The whitewashed ceilings are gone with the last century, and pasting them with wallpaper also no longer attracts anyone. Ceilings of suspended and suspended type look more modern and stylish, they are in greatest demand. Therefore, in this material we will find out which ceiling is better - suspended or suspended, and for this we compare their main characteristics.

What is better than suspended or suspended ceilings

Characteristics and features of the device of suspended and suspended ceilings

Wallpapering, painting, tiling and other finishing methods require careful cleaning and smoothing the surface of our ceiling. All operations to align and clean the ceiling are quite labor intensive and require a large investment. Otherwise, the paint will peel off, and the wallpaper or tile will quickly peel off. But the tension or suspension structure does not require any of this - any surface is suitable for them. So you significantly save time and effort.

Features of suspended and suspended ceilings

To mount the suspension system, a metal frame is first built on which the elements and ceiling modules themselves are mounted. It can be slats, cassettes, plates, but at home they use plasterboard sheets most of all. The frame consists of long guiding elements, moldings (at the corners) and suspensions that adjust the height. As the latter are brackets, rods of metal or wire of sufficient thickness. If the ceiling is hemmed with drywall, then at the last stage it is putty and painted.

False ceiling design

The tension system is fastened with a harpoon, wedge or cam method on a baguette mounted on all sides of the room. For installation of PVC cloth, the room heats up to 60 - 65 0C. After cooling, the PVC film stretches tightly, and you get a smooth, beautiful and shiny ceiling that is not afraid of water and does not absorb extraneous odors.

Installation of a stretch ceiling

When a tension or suspension structure is a tribute to necessity

  • These designs are requested on the ceilings in panel and brick houses of Soviet construction, where floor slabs often have not very even joints. Aligning the difference, which can be from 3 to 7 cm, is a labor-intensive business and often it can only be done by an experienced master. But the suspended or suspended ceiling will perfectly mask irregularities, and you won’t have to “conjure” them.
  • Another problem is cleaning the ceiling from a layer of old water-based paint. It’s very difficult to tear it off, but you can’t leave it - wallpaper, tile or paint of a different type will not hold well.
  • If you began to think about what would be nice to make spotlights in the ceiling, then suspended and suspended ceilings in this case are ideal. Indeed, inside such a design you can perfectly hide all the wires, and the lamps themselves will fit well.

Comparison of suspended and suspended ceilings by basic parameters

In order to determine the use of a suspended or suspended ceiling in a room, it is necessary to compare them with the main parameters. Since the ceilings based on PVC cloth are in the greatest demand among suspended ceilings, and among suspended ceilings, gypsum plasterboard ceilings, then we compare them in basic parameters.

Easy installation and the need to attract professionals

It will not work to install stretch ceilings on your own, for this you will have to attract specialists. Moreover, they will not only stretch the canvas, but also make it.The installation of such ceilings requires special equipment and experience in the installation of such structures. But for the work to be done, it will not be necessary to vacate the premises, and there will also be a lot of garbage.

The installation process of suspended ceilings is inevitably associated with a lot of building dust and debris. Most likely you will have to take out all the things from the room and spend a lot of energy on cleaning the room. But such a ceiling can be built with your own hands, saving on the payment for the work of the masters. True, this is possible only if you are friends with a construction tool and carry out repairs yourself. If we talk about the other types of suspended ceilings, then their installation will also require more time compared to suspended ones, and the installation process itself is also more "dirty" than when installing suspended ceilings.

Tension - / Hanging -

Installation speed of suspended and suspended ceilings

A standard suspended-type ceiling is mounted for about 3 to 4 hours (except for ceilings that mimic the starry sky).

The production of gypsum plasterboard ceiling will take from 2 to 4 days and this is a minimum. It all depends on the area, the complexity of the room and the ceiling itself. If the design is quite complex (multi-level, for example), then it will take even more time.

Tension + / Hanging -

Loss of room height

Stretch ceiling when attaching the baguette to the floor slabs "steals" only 3 - 5 centimeters in height.

Well, and the construction of drywall will reduce the height of the room by 10 - 12 centimeters, no less. Some other types of suspended ceilings will take even more room height. It is especially important to take this into account in rooms where the ceiling height is already quite low.

Tension + / Hanging -

What about the built-in backlight

It is extremely easy to hide wiring and fixtures under a suspended ceiling. For spot lighting, there are special elements - “glasses”, rings and plates with heat-insulating qualities that are mounted in the canvas. If you need to replace the fixtures or replace the lighting system, then this will be easy.

The scheme of installation of the lamp in the suspended ceiling

However, in the frame of the suspended structure, the wiring and fixtures also fit well. Therefore, deciding which is better - drywall or suspended ceilings, keep in mind that in this regard they are almost equivalent. However, near a suspended ceiling, getting to repair individual elements will be more difficult. However, hidden hatches solve this problem.

Tension + / Hanging +

Easy care

PVC cloth in the care is very undemanding - it will be quite grateful for periodic wiping of its surface with a wet cloth.

But the suspended drywall construction needs periodic “refreshment”. In some cases, tinting may be required.

Tension + / Hanging -

Which ceiling is easier to damage by mechanical stress

Puncture the PVC film with something sharp or hard - as easy as shelling pears. Holes can appear from anything - even from a shot from a child’s bow or a toy gun with plastic bullets. You can, of course, seal these holes, but this is not very beautiful, and the protection from water will disappear.

Damaged ceiling
Damaged PVC ceiling.

Drywall and other materials used in suspended structures are more durable, but they are afraid of strong blows - do not throw heavy objects into such a ceiling.

Tension - / Hanging +

Fire resistance

Perhaps, on this point, our competitors are both worthy. Both one and the second type of ceilings do not support combustion. Therefore, they will not be able to burn from the fire, although they will be damaged.

Tension + / Hanging +

What happens if you are flooded with neighbors from above

What do you think, in this case, which ceiling is better - stretch or plasterboard? There is nothing to think about - of course, the first. After all, a polyvinyl chloride film is not afraid of moisture and is able to hold a certain amount of water on its surface.In the event of a flood, you can call a master who will drain the collected water, after which in most cases the canvas will continue to function.

Well, if it flows down the suspended ceiling, then the walls will flood, and the floor, most likely. And damaged sheets of drywall will have to be replaced - this material is afraid of moisture.

Tension + / Hanging -

Which ceiling will last longer

False ceilings have a guarantee of up to 10 years, however, finishing work on their "refreshment" may be needed earlier. Most likely they will have to be tinted before the expiration of 10 years.

As for the ceiling made of PVC film, the guarantee for it is from 10 to 15 years. In this case, no cosmetic repairs will be needed before.

Tension+ / Hanging-

Resistance to high or low temperatures

PVC film is terribly afraid of the cold - already at zero it loses elasticity, becoming fragile. And if minus 20 struck, then the canvas just cracked. So it is impossible to arrange stretch ceilings where there is no heating (on the loggia, for example).

False ceilings do not suffer from this - they can withstand temperature extremes.

Tension - / Hanging + 

Decorative qualities, a variety of colors and textures

Color ceilings of stretch type can be almost any. It can be a bright or pastel plain color, a funny picture or a reproduction of some famous painting. Fortunately, the photo printing method allows to realize all this. Choosing a glossy or matte surface is another way to diversify a room’s design.

Photo of PVC stretch ceilings


Well, suspended ceilings can be decorated in different ways, using wallpapers with different textures, paint or ceiling tiles. A ceiling of several levels generally looks very original. The color scheme here is simply vast and endless. But to create, for example, a glossy surface here will not succeed.

Photo of suspended plasterboard ceilings


Tension + / Hanging +

And which ceiling is cheaper - stretch or drywall?

A plasterboard suspended ceiling will cost (per square meter) from $ 20 to $ 35. It should be noted that several levels will cost significantly more.

Prices for suspended ceilings are very scattered - from 10 to 100 dollars, per square meter. The number of angles in the room, as well as curved sections, bends, the type of material and the picture on it are taken into account. If you want to design arches or convex figures, then the original price will increase one and a half times. And the ceiling with the original pattern is six times more expensive than a smooth plain surface.

Tension + / Hanging +

Total: Tension 10 + and 3 - / Hanging 7 + and 6 -

Table comparing the characteristics of suspended and suspended ceilings

OptionsStretch PVC ceilingsDropped ceilings
Easy installation It requires the involvement of professionals. It is possible to install yourself.
Installation speed 3 to 4 hours. 2 to 4 days.
Loss of height 3 - 5 cm. 10 - 15 cm.
Embed backlight Spotlights are installed without problems. Spotlights are installed without problems.
Easy care Care is not demanding. Care is difficult.
Damage resistance Easily exposed to mechanical damage. Sufficiently resistant to mechanical damage.
Flammability Does not support combustion. Does not support combustion.
Moisture resistance Not afraid of moisture. Under the influence of moisture, the process of swelling and even destruction occurs.
Durability The warranty is 10 years, and in addition to wiping, it does not require any additional actions. Serves from 10 to 15 years or more, but in the process of operation requires repainting.
Operating temperature It does not tolerate negative temperatures. It can be operated both at plus and minus temperatures.
Appearance The texture may be matte or glossy, the color scheme is extensive enough. In fact, they can only be matte.
Cost from 10 to $ 100 - depends on the material and additional elements. from $ 20 to $ 35 - depends on the complexity of the elements and the method of finishing.

In which case is it better to use this or that ceiling

It is better to opt for suspended ceilings in the following cases:

If the ceilings in your apartment are small in height and you absolutely do not want to lose extra centimeters, then choose a stretch ceiling made of PVC film.

A stretch-type ceiling will also be good in apartments located under the roof of the house. Indeed, there leaks can occur with a high probability. However, sometimes not on the upper floors, the room can be very humid. And then this option is perfect.

Select suspended ceilings in the following cases:

When installing the ceiling in a country house, on a loggia or on the balcony, on the contrary, do not use a PVC tension structure - it will not withstand the cold. Better to make a frame by attaching plasterboard plates to it.

If you periodically need access to the space under the ceiling, then choose a suspended type of ceiling - with a stretched version, such access will not work.

For a tight budget, make yourself a suspended ceiling yourself. However, if you care about saving for a long time, then it makes sense to think about the tension option. After all, then about 10 - 20 years, you do not have to know the worries.

For those who can not decide which is better - suspended or suspended ceilings, you can offer an interesting option. Make a structure from drywall, and in the middle of it insert a stretched canvas from a vinyl film. The ceiling will turn out original, beautiful, besides, in a sense, possessing advantages of both types. See photo examples of such ceilings below.

Photo of multi-level ceilings


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