Until 2014, Huskarl products were manufactured in Poland, by order of SanTechTrade LLC. But in 2014, it was decided to organize the production of bathtubs in Russia in the city of St. Petersburg. At the moment, the company has launched production of high quality products that meet international standards.

Despite mass production, Huskarl bathtubs have their own personality. They successfully combine classical technology and modern trends. Huskarl bath reviews will be helpful when choosing bathroom fixtures.

Huskarl Bath Reviews and Guest Ratings

A comment
The only manufacturer who found the perfect bath! Bought in Maksidoma on Leninsky - we were lucky with the seller, who pointed to the advantages of the HusKarl Swana 170x75 bathtub. As a result, they became decisive! We watched the bath for a long time and this bath often caught my eye.

In general, all the baths are deep there, we plan to put the angular large for the parents, so that the grandchildren can “load” them into the pool))))

Very pleased! Highly!
Very spacious with standard overall dimensions and volumetric! Husband 183cm - easily lies in the bath, with my 165 - I swim)))
It is a pity there is nowhere to put the second)))))
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