Heaters based on polyurethane foams have long and firmly taken a leading position in the market of building materials. They are obtained from liquid components. In finished form, they externally resemble the construction foam known to many. But they differ from it in greater stability and durability, as well as better quality parameters. In construction, the use of polyurethane foam insulation can save customers costs for insulation work and subsequently saves their money on heating.

Heater polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is very easy to prepare, this is done directly at the construction site. Among the disadvantages of polyurethane foam insulation, many consumers call the need to comply with the temperature regime during work. It is also required to be careful in observing safety rules and to prevent the ingress of liquid components into exposed parts of the body and into the eyes. In addition, for the application of this insulation you need special equipment, so they will not be able to warm the house on their own. You have to turn to specialized companies. Customer reviews of polyurethane foam clearly indicate the practical value of the use of this insulation.

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PPU insulation
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Durability, heating savings, ease of application, maintainability.
As a heater, among all the thermal insulation is the best.
The price of components.
Term of use
more than five years
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Safe, fast.
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Previously, they only suffered in the winter, but last year they insulated the base and the entire roof of the house with polyurethane foam, now it is warm and at peace in the apartment, the children are running around in the apartment in light clothes. Gas consumption for heating has significantly decreased, it has become much warmer, good savings are obtained. We were very satisfied with this insulation, I recommend it, it turns out very inexpensively, the work itself is fast, and you can use the result for a long time, the effect is high-quality.
The insulation is good, there are many advantages to its use, durability (up to 50 years of operation is possible), excellent thermal insulation, sound insulation also remains at its height, it can be used on the entire surface: walls, ceiling, floor, anywhere. You can insulate them with anything you like, basements, attics, apartments, everything is accessible and simple.
Destroyed under ultraviolet rays, a little expensive
Term of use
more than one year
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Polyurethane foam for giving: easy and fast
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They got a summer house, but in the fall it turned out that the purchased house was cold. We invited a company for warming. The entire building inside was treated with special pistols in just 2 hours! There are no seams and joints anywhere, so the cold has nowhere to come from. The material itself is solid and relatively durable, it was covered with sheets of drywall.

The main task was to warm a cold house, polyurethane foam coped with it. Attracted value for money.
monolithic layer of insulation, speed of installation, reliable protection of the building from cold, wind and rain, low cost.
afraid of ultraviolet radiation and therefore requires protective structures.
Term of use
more than three years
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Polyurethane foam for frame house
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A wedding gift from the parents was a piece of land and money to build a house. We wanted a frame house. Building it faster and cheaper. And our climate is warm, we will not freeze.

I saw that the walls were insulated with polyurethane foam. I wondered how this is done. It turns out that polyurethane foam is a relative of the sponge we wash the dishes with.

Only during its manufacture the proportions of the composition are changed. And impose a heater using special sprayers. Sticks on the fly. Put several layers one on another. At the same time, a respirator was on the face of the worker.

In this house we live a year and a month. The walls are warm, the wind does not blow, loud sounds are not heard. I like everything for now.
warm, quiet, does not blow.
expensive, you need special equipment for application, can not be used without protecting the surface of the insulation.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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