Devi underfloor heating is known to customers all over the world. They are made for residents of all five continents, the company is famous for its latest industrial developments in this field. An interesting novelty that has long been used in Europe is a self-regulating heating cable, which can be used for heating floors and roofs. Distinctive features of this brand: 10-year warranty, reasonable prices, rich assortment. If you are interested in the real characteristics, read reviews about Devi warm floors.

Underfloor heating Devi - reviews of various types

Instructions on how to change your mind about a company in 1.5 years.
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At the end of 2015, DeviMat warm floors of 20 squares were installed in the house. At first the floor worked flawlessly. Then, like many, judging by the reviews, problems began with the sensor. The floor did not warm up well, the praised Smart thermostats, unfortunately, failed too. The heating start timer worked once. I do not recommend these warm floors.
Friendly technical support in Moscow.
The quality of the goods is low, either the company has problems, or they deliver such goods to Russia.
Term of use
more than three years
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Warm floor Devi
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Earlier, Devi warm floors earned an excellent reputation, as they were one of the first to enter the Russian market, initially in the 90s they formed the opinion that warm floors are cool, but expensive. With the advent of a variety of brands, the Devi warm floor became a representative of the high price segment, which was justified by its European origin and reputation. But in 2014, Danfoss decided that Devi underfloor heating, which is also produced for the Russian market, will be produced in Poland in order to "optimize costs." At the moment, the situation with these underfloor heating looks incomprehensible, that is, some dealers sell these underfloor heating at retail cheaper than Danfoss (the concern that owns the Devi brand) dealers. How is that?

Obviously, there are several channels through which underfloor heating enters Russia, other than the official one, it is likely that the underfloor heating purchased by the end user will be mildly “unoriginal”. At the moment, Danfoss does not monitor dumping on the Internet, nor sellers of its brand, nor the quality of goods, moreover, the company accepts warranty claims only from dealers who supply the goods, whom to go to a buyer who bought a warm floor in a company that closed or does not partner with Danfoss directly will remain a customer problem ...

What we have is that, at best, you get a reasonable price (comparable to Russian, Swedish, Norwegian) underfloor heating in the best case of Polish origin with no clear brand guarantee and unaccompanied. But do you need it when some manufacturers offer a guarantee for the life of their products and have a sane office ready to work with the end customer? Although, if you are not embarrassed by the Polish origin, which may not be original, it may be better to immediately buy some kind of Chinese warm floor, here you know for sure what you are buying, but 2 times cheaper, and it’s 5 minutes to check the cable’s performance.
in Denmark they no longer produce, according to Poland, but in fact xs what is
Term of use
more than five years
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Difficult to answer
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Nice warm floors.
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In my kitchen and in the bathroom, heated floors from the Devi brand were mounted, their workers installed. Initially, they completely filled the floor with a self-leveling screed, after which mats were laid on top of it. I specially purchased DTIF-150 mats, because I liked them most of all because of their technical characteristics - this is a two-wire and thin cable. Before filling the floor with tile glue, the workers checked the floor several times, made sure of its integrity. This must be done without fail, since during installation you can easily damage the cable.

I also installed the temperature controller of the Devireg D-550 model, a very convenient thing, with its help you can easily program the modes of operation of warm floors. For example, you can configure them to turn on 20 minutes before arriving home.
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more than three years
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Underfloor heating Devi - this is my choice!
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I decided to install warm floors in the corridor, but I did not know which ones to take. Therefore, I began to question all my friends, read the information on the Internet, and then I came to the conclusion that the best choice would be underfloor heating from the company Devi-cable.
Specialists did all the work, but I can add on my own that it turns out much better with a cable. You can independently choose which turns are needed and in what quantity. And then the cable is much cheaper than mats, and at the same time consumes much less electricity. The cable was laid on a cable tie.

Plus, if a problem with a warm floor suddenly happens, then it will be much easier to find and dismantle the site than with the same mat.
As for the efficiency of the underfloor heating, I am satisfied, it warms well. I installed an additional temperature controller with a sensor and there are no problems at all. I am not afraid now to catch a child when he crawls on the floor.
Warm, comfortable, quickly heat the floor
For me, only cost
Term of use
more than three years
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Warm floor Devi
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Parents moved to a 2-storey cottage, in the basement they have a bathroom. You go there and immediately feel damp, cool, which is why father decided to install warm floors there in order to somehow solve this problem.

He chose Devi's warm floor, a consultant at a hardware store recommended. The hired worker laid it under the tile. The only reason you can find out that a warm floor is installed is the thermostat. We installed a temperature of 25 degrees on it, the system itself supports it.
Now the problem with dampness has disappeared, you feel comfortable in this room.

The area of ​​the toilet is 7 sq.m., it took 42 meters of a two-core cable, costing 6,600 rubles, we separately bought a CEWAL thermostat for 900 rubles. Of course, every month you have to pay not a small amount for underfloor heating, but here you need to understand that coziness or economy is more important.
You can mount it yourself. labor costs are negligible.
Consumes a lot of electricity every month
Term of use
more than three years
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DEVI floor heating system, pleases with its reliability
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I decided not to install underfloor heating immediately.I didn’t even know what plan to choose warm floors, but then I thought about it and decided to abandon the water heated floor (the house is just a disgusting water supply) in favor of the electric one. I chose the DEVI floor heating system, recommended it to me as the most reliable. I bought an 8-meter mat and a temperature controller with child protection and a Devireg 535 timer.

He laid everything down himself, read the instructions and did everything according to her. He put the mats on a screed, after which he checked several times with an electrician, the cable, the temperature sensor and installed a thermostat. After that, he already poured the bulk floor and laid the tiles.

It is easy to control the floor, I only once set the temperature I need, the system supports it without problems on my own. From now I only need to turn on when I come and turn off when I leave the apartment.
Ease of installation and operation; design reliability.
Expensive but comfortable
Term of use
more than three years
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