The trademark Orange is a brand of the Russian company New Industrial Technologies. Under the Orange brand, several types of greenhouses are produced - Droplet, Guarantor, Apricot, Orange, Orange Pro. Greenhouses of the Orange brand are not made from a profile, but from a galvanized closed pipe. The metal warranty is 10 years. Polycarbonate is fastened by a special technology, without holes and screws. Greenhouse reviews Orange should be read by those who choose the right greenhouse for themselves.

Greenhouse Orange - reviews and recommendations of summer residents



Greenhouse "Orange" with a coating of cellular polycarbonate, an excellent product
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My husband and I chose the greenhouse for a very long time and thoughtfully. We opted for the greenhouse Orange. Bought at the exhibition center. Submerged in the car, everything went perfectly into the seven Lada. In the country, a husband and a son were installed. With breaks for tea and lunch, transported all day. The greenhouse turned out beautiful, to the admiration of all the neighbors. In the first year, the crop gave an unprecedented. I did not know where to put tomatoes and cucumbers.

Sellers for the winter advised to strengthen the greenhouse from the inside with props. In the fall, we caught up and remembered the props when there was at least half a meter of snow on the street. We arrived at the cottage, there were so many greenhouses that the greenhouses were not visible. But strangely enough, in the spring, our snowdrop appeared whole and intact.
greenhouse quality, strength, simplicity of construction and assembly, excellent harvest.
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polycarbonate greenhouse orange - a profitable investment
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Every year I dream of a good harvest. Finally, this year I bought myself a greenhouse. I didn’t trifle, I took it with cellular polycarbonate so that I could mess with the film every year. Let's start with the merits of the greenhouse
compact packaging, transported Lada on the upper trunk, it is possible to buy an insert module and increase the length of the greenhouse to infinity. The design is quite simple, on the one hand it’s good - ease of assembly. But on the other, I'm afraid for the strength of the frame in the winter. Have to buy additional amplifiers for the winter. Special thanks for the polycarbonate. Lightweight, reliable, durable, manufacturers give 7 years warranty. Heat, thanks to the internal air gap, is much better maintained.
very light construction, you need to firmly fasten to the wooden foundation the harness otherwise it will fly away
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greenhouse Cellular polycarbonate Orange, a long-awaited purchase
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Hello. I want to talk about the long-awaited purchase. My husband and I live in a district center. Both teachers, so there is not enough salary for everything. Therefore, we are conducting a small business. We grow cucumbers and tomatoes for sale. We have 8 greenhouses, all their husband did himself. You yourself understand in the spring of work just the sea, there to tint, there to fix, there to replace, but I do not mention the film at all.
Finally, we calculated how much we invested in greenhouse repairs every year and decided to buy a polycarbonate greenhouse. How we chose it is a separate story. But in the end they brought the purchase home. The husband and his neighbor gathered in half a day. Now we can’t get enough, the design, as they say, put and forgot, no problems with tightness, nor with wind / snow. Vegetables feel great.
optimal combination price quality
it is absolutely necessary to buy additional jib amplifiers for arcs
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more than three years
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