Liquid wallpaper is a completely new approach to wall decoration. They are a combination of cotton and cellulose fibers with a solution of glue and dyes. In order to prepare the wallpaper for application, this composition must be diluted with water. Distinctive properties of liquid wallpaper: antistatic effect, fire safety, elasticity. Even when the house shrinks, they do not crack and do not crumple. They do not emphasize, but hide small wall defects, have heat and sound insulation. Reviews of liquid wallpapers are located below. If you have any experience using them, please leave your opinion.

Liquid Wallpaper - visitor ratings and reviews

Silk Plaster 040
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Experimented - no longer want
Unusual technology)
Actual consumption is two times higher than declared. Sensations during application - as if you spread semolina on the wall). He finished a third of the room, freaked out, peeled. He regretted that he did not immediately take decorative plaster for wax. He led on advertising manufacturers.
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less than a month
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The result pleased!
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I thought about what to do with the walls in the kitchen - the walls are uneven, to level it, it was necessary to apply a thick layer of plaster, which made me shocked (I had to buy a few bags of Rothband, hire a craftsman, put up dust, scrub floors, etc.). I decided to go the other way - try to apply liquid wallpaper (decorative silk plaster). I read about it on the Internet, ordered through the company a series of SilkPlaster Standard (delivery time 5 working days). In retail, the choice is scanty. The preparation of the walls, of course, is a laborious process - wash off the wallpaper glue, plaster the holes, small bumps, cover with 2 layers of acrylic primer, then with a layer of special white primer with roughnesses to keep the wallpaper.

When breeding, strictly follow the instructions - before use, do not dilute with water additionally, as the mixture becomes thinner and bald spots appear on the walls. Subject to the instructions, the layer is applied better, for this order 1-2 bags more, because a lot of consumption! At the first application, the first 15 minutes I had a tantrum)) But after that time the application skill developed and I was just a mess from the process (but my brother didn’t manage to put it beautifully) As a result, the unevenness of the walls disappeared, at least they became invisible to the eyes. Wallpaper dried up and the result made me very happy!

It looks very rich, and even flickers with sparkles) The cat does not pull the wallpaper like the old vinyl ones. I dried the rest of the wallpaper, if it was necessary to patch holes or a dirty place, I would wet and patch it. All of my homework people were initially distrustful of these wallpapers, but now they are very happy with the result! How glad I am that I didn’t have to cut vinyl wallpapers, fit into sockets, uneven corners!
Hide flaws, uneven walls. For me, this is a major plus.
Not everyone will succeed in applying quality, work is more expensive than material.
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less than a month
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Disappointed, all the advantages declared by the manufacturer turned out to be minuses
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Without a long story before and only on business: Children's room, 14 sq.m.

one.It is stated that the walls do not need to be leveled, it is enough to putty and primer a little. We did so, for which we paid off with rusty stains. The wallpaper chose a light, peach color, therefore rusty spots appeared perfectly on them immediately after drying.

2. It is stated that they are easy to apply. It wasn’t here ... without special skills, just by watching a video on YouTube, you won’t succeed right away.

3. Consumption of course does not correspond to that indicated on the package. We bought with a margin + one bag, and that was enough end-to-end, although we applied it in a thin layer.

4. And the biggest problem ... cats fight them !!!! They really like this texture !!! Nothing helps !!! We even coated the wallpaper with clear water-based varnish. Yes, they have become more durable .... but they are still torn by cats. You can soak a place with water from a spray bottle and smooth out a wounded place, but it still will not work out to perfectly align, the place still remains bumpy. There is no photo of the wounded wallpaper, because I tried not to be upset and quickly restore the piece.
With the complete replacement of the damaged place, not everything is so smooth, it will still be visible. (at least to you).

5. Walls-dust collectors ... dust, light trash, cat hair ... everything settles on these rough wallpaper, even though they are varnished. Phew.

They wanted to decorate the entire apartment with liquid wallpaper, but were completely disappointed in them, now we will look for more practical finishes. In a couple of years there will be an occasion to re-paste the children's ...
Their only plus is a seamless coating and they can be applied with the windows open.
suture-free application, not afraid of drafts when applied
liquid wallpaper is one continuous minus.
Term of use
half a year
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Silk Plaster liquid wallpapers are just super wallpapers! For the first time, Silk Plaster saw liquid wallpaper in a program on TNT School of Repair. We decided to try with my husband, but we thought that we could not cope, but it turned out that it was not at all difficult, but rather interesting and addictive! Working with Silk Plaster liquid wallpaper is a great pleasure not only for adults, but also for children! In the summer we plan to repair the bedroom, but without any doubt we will only take them!
- Modern!
- Qualitatively!
- Practical!
- and finally, beautifully!
netuu !!
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less than a month
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Liquid wallpaper is a great alternative to old wallpapers.
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Once in the store I saw an innovation - liquid wallpaper, I was very interested in this know-how. Just at that time, a repair was planned, in one of the rooms, I decided to buy them.

I chose the company Silk Plaster, liquid wallpaper in itself, looks very similar to cotton wool. They are made from glue, quartz chips and natural silk. This mixture must be soaked overnight, and after that it is already possible to start applying wallpaper on the walls. I used a plastic trowel for this. Wallpaper dried completely after 2 days.

In general, I want to say the wallpaper I really liked. It is very easy to apply them, even a child will cope with them. You can ventilate the room during work, they are not afraid of drafts. With the help of liquid wallpaper you can make an interesting wall structure.

Wallpaper is environmentally friendly, which means safe for health.
I also really liked that the contaminated sections of the walls can be soaked with water, clean them and apply new ones.
Cheap and tasteful
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less than a month
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Silk Plaster Wallpaper - Transform Walls
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I read an article on liquid wallpaper on the Internet. I wanted to go to my room. I like everything modern and new. I live with my parents. They did not approve of my enthusiasm. People of the old school, for whom the old Soviet wallpaper is the most beautiful thing in life.

In google I found information about the Russian company Silk Plaster. Their wallpaper interested me: environmentally friendly, beautiful, fireproof, non-toxic, excellent sound insulation. I went to the store and chose for myself wallpapers from the Ecodecor 103 series. There were cheaper ones from other series, but I liked their color so delicately lilac with blue spots. After she invited specialists who determined that the area of ​​the wall for processing was 25.91 m². Thus, I needed to purchase 8 packs. Thank you, the store gave me a discount. The wallpapers I selected were more than 900 rubles. for packing. I paid 7 thousand rubles. Expensive. But it's worth it.

The masters did everything so carefully that there are no stains or wrinkles. The room was refreshed and became more comfortable. Six months have passed, and as before I like the color I have chosen and so far I do not want to experiment.
active silk for walls, eco-friendly, do not cause allergies, no smell.
afraid of humidity - do not wipe with water.
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less than a month
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Updated the bedroom with liquid wallpaper
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Most people just hate repairs. But the process does not seem so creepy to me, and indeed I like innovations, I like changes, especially in the interior. Even the smell of paint and other building materials seems pleasant to me. And so I decided to update the bedroom in our house on the attic floor. I thought for a long time what wallpaper to choose and decided to use the so-called liquid ones.

They need to be “kneaded” to a homogeneous mass, all proportions are indicated on the package. It is important not to breed too much - they freeze. In view of the fact that while I am not a big specialist, I have chosen the option of plain, pastel, the very thing for the bedroom. I want to note that all the irregularities and defects of the walls turned out to be successfully hidden and the noise insulation qualities improved. Keep in mind that “wet” wallpapers are not suitable for rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms, that is, with excess moisture. In the corridor and the children's room, too, they decided to update the situation with liquid wallpaper, only now we will experiment. I will try to apply ;-)
No joints and seams are visible, smooth out surface irregularities. Wallpaper "Breathe", eco-friendly. With their help, you can create real art masterpieces on the walls. It is possible to correct defects formed over time by cutting out a piece and "covering up" it with a fresh mixture.
Not a cheap pleasure.
Term of use
a few months
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