Gordi radiators are manufactured in a factory in China. But this fact has long ceased to alarm buyers, since quite high-quality goods are produced in China. Reviews on Gordi radiators, which are available in two versions: bimetallic (steel plus aluminum) and aluminum, are written by real people who installed radiators for this company. Read them before making your final purchase decision.

Gordi Radiators

Gordi 200 cast aluminum radiator has changed the opinion of the Chinese manufacturer
A comment
I chose this brand not because I heard a lot of good reviews about it. It was just an urgent need to replace the old battery in the room, which leaked at the beginning of the heating season. And on sale, according to our financial capabilities, at that time there were no other options. In the store, the seller assured that the cast aluminum radiator Gordi 200 (8 sections) is quite suitable for our premises.

He talked about its high heat transfer, that there is practically no chance of leakage, about tests conducted by the radiator manufacturer taking into account our conditions. Despite all the laudatory odes, there were many doubts, I do not trust the Chinese manufacturer. But there was no way, I had to buy. True, he took a ten-section for reinsurance.

Winter went well. Everything the seller was talking about turned out to be true. The only thing in vain was reinsured. Eight sections for our room would be enough. By the way, the appearance of the radiator is quite decent.
low price, high heat dissipation, beautiful appearance
until I saw
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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