Duplex is a professional branded substrate for preparing the floor for the final finish. It has sound-absorbing and heat-insulating properties, is able to absorb a small amount of moisture that has fallen under the floor covering, and also has natural ventilation properties. Our site has published reviews about the Duplex substrate, which you can find below.

Substrate Duplex - user reviews, opinions and ratings

Completely unknown material
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This substrate did not impress me either by sight or by touch. He pressed her into Leroy Merlin. But he was driving after her! But in the picture it looks cool, but in fact it’s thin and somehow uneven in thickness a, the price is like a cork! I'd like to believe the reviews, but they’re moderated in your place, and as I understand it, you don’t see polar opinions here .... Probably the moderators will find the review negative, however, I’ll inform you that I didn’t buy this product only according to my feelings and of course because of this, I don’t have a contract number or a photo of the product.
The film base, roll material, will be conveniently stacked.
The price is very high, lack of data on long-term operation due to the fact that this is new material.
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less than a month
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my opinion
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Good health to all!
I would like to insert my "five cents".
I have been doing flooring for about 10 years.

And here is what I wanted to clarify:

None of the substrates is able to completely soundproof the room, but it is possible to make noise more deaf !!!

Because laminate (like parquet board) is such a material. Everything that happens on its surface will be heard, but to one degree or another.

On the question of what cork substrate is best, I do not agree here. Because if, adding all the pros and cons, then this picture emerges:

- It is recommended to lay the cork backing on a flat, dry, clean, non-absorbent base (wood, plywood and chipboard base).
If you are laying on a prepared and leveled cement-concrete screed, then you will need a plastic film for laying as a waterproofing layer (laid directly on the screed and joined with a simple adhesive tape), without its existence, it is likely that your expensive cork substrate can rot .

Regarding the thickness, I think that a substrate with a thickness of 2-3-4 mm is quite enough, all that above can cause problems with butt locks. The fact that a thick substrate evens out irregularities - MYTH. The maximum leveling of any normal substrate is a difference of 1-2 mm, everything else is an improperly prepared base. But back to the traffic jam.

- On the issue of environmental friendliness, there are some doubts, at the moment, all self-respecting manufacturers of all types of substrates have certificates that their products are environmentally friendly, resistant to bacteria and fungi and do not cause allergies. And I dare to assure you that these certificates correspond to reality (after the fire in the "lame horse" everything became strict with this, Rospotrebnadzor is also very fierce and the Ministry of Emergencies).

Of course, we are talking about well-known companies such as IZOPAK, ARBITON, ENKE KRAUSE, ECOCOVER, etc., and not about manufacturers from Malaya Arnautskaya.

- The cork backing is easy to tear and costs (I mean a real cork such as from Spain or Portugal) approximately from 2200 to 3000 rubles per roll (rolls are from 10 to 20 m2 - approximately).You can conduct an easy test when choosing a cork, when buying this product, look at the coating "to the light" if this substrate is visible then g .... oh, and you should not stop there.

“In addition, I have some doubts about the ugliness, ductility and the ability to restore the structure after a long operation of the cork substrate, well, as the manufacturers say.

I do not touch on other types of substrates, because here we are talking only about cork, they also have their drawbacks and advantages, but here's what I wanted to say (I humbly ask you not to take it as an advertisement, just sharing my observations).

Recently I encountered ENKE KRAUSE substrate - I was pleasantly surprised. As I understand it, this is a novelty in the market (well, at least I haven’t seen this material). Very elastic, tear-resistant material. It has all the qualities that a cork (full characteristics can be found on the Internet). It seems to me that this is something between a cork substrate and extruded polystyrene. My parents did the repair, I decided to try it and bought a roll as an experiment. It’s too early to talk about the results of operation, but this product is not very bad. I paid for it somewhere 1200 per roll of 15 m2. In general, it seems to me that the meaning of using one or another substrate looks like this:

- Laminate 31-32 class, costing from 200 to 350 rubles - a polyethylene substrate is enough;

- Laminate 32-33 class, costing from 350 to 700 rubles - a polystyrene backing, ENKE KRAUSE, the same ECOCOVER, who is ecologically crazy, is enough (although I wrote above about the uncriticality of this fact)

-Laminate 33 classes from 700 to ..... type Pergo 34 classes - cork substrate, Tuplex, ECOCOVER, ENKE KRAUSE this applies to parquet boards.

All of the above is purely IMHO, because, based on the logic, the person who bought a cheap laminate is unlikely to buy an expensive wear-resistant substrate.
Thank you for reading my opus to the end. I really hope that this fiction was sculpted not in vain, and it will really help someone.
too expensive
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more than one year
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Substrate Duplex - choose practicality
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Good day! I built myself a private house with a screed on the floor. On the screed laid the Tuplex substrate. Everyone will ask me why Tuplex ?! I will answer you so that the main criterion when choosing a substrate is the presence of smell. In the absence of smell, the Tuplex substrate speaks for itself that it is made of environmentally friendly material, and that they don’t say it is important, because otherwise all the substrates are similar.

Comparing the Duplex substrate with other substrates, I realized that there is no need to overpay, especially since Duplex is both a substrate and a film. It is due to this film that a hydro-barrier is created and your moisture will not get on the laminate or parquet board.

Duplex is easy to use, it is more convenient to lay it by wetting the glue side on the overlap, and due to this, the speed of laying the substrate increases.

And styrene balls serve to insulate and soften the substrate layer, and will be completely invisible after you walk on the floor, I personally walk and do not even feel.

In general, I stacked Duplex myself and saved by choosing a quality product.
Speed ​​of installation, profitability, practicality, quality, environmentally friendly, i.e. odorless
no cons
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more than three years
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Duplex Upoflor: a decent base for hypoallergenic floors
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They wanted to put a parquet board on a cork, but there were not enough funds. For money, it turned out to be the Tuplex Upofloor substrate, considered a budget alternative to the VIP basics. Option right for our coverage. Even we asthmatics did not find any smell!

We tried very hard to save additional money on styling, but, having looked at the instructions, we realized that we would not pull it ourselves. The team leader consoled: but do not buy the film. Okay, the workers began to roll the rolls, balls spilled from there, instantly clinging to the floor.

Sweep them into the scoop did not work (stick to the surface), I needed a vacuum cleaner. When the super-neatly dismantled, the matter disputed. The team quickly glued the substrate. To connect the sheets, the guys simply wetted the adhesive side with water. No hassle, no complaints.
lifting price, suitable for parquet and laminate, odorless, structure includes film, speed and ease of installation
must be laid by the master; when unrolling or dragging the rolls, polystyrene balls for some reason get enough sleep
Term of use
a few months
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No problem substrate Duplex
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We chose the flooring very carefully and meticulously. We decided that we were using parquet. When buying it, it turned out that you still need a bunch of everything. In particular, the substrate (we somehow missed it). The specialist advised to purchase Duplex. It does not need to do additional waterproofing, it is officially recommended by many manufacturers of floor coverings. I liked that there is no need to additionally somehow attach the backing webs - glue has already been applied to the lap places, it just needs to be slightly moistened with water.

The lower layer is able to pass and retain moisture, and the upper (it is denser) protects the floor from it and allows it to evaporate through gaps around the perimeter of the room. Also Duplex has all the advantages of high-quality substrates. It is very easy to lay with moisture, really, while there were no problems (3 months have passed).
It has all the advantages of high-quality substrates, additional waterproofing is not necessary, and glue has already been applied to the places of overlap of the substrate
So far, only one minus has been found: inside this substrate are “harmful” styrene balls. On the other hand, production is located in Finland (if I don’t confuse), and they are a little ecologically-minded. There was no smell from it initially ... Well, the price is a bit high, but it's worth it.
Term of use
a few months
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