Filters Barrier is heard by all residents of Russia. This is a domestic enterprise that supplies products not only within the country, but also for export to Asian countries and CIS countries. Among the reviews about Barrier water filters, opinions and filter jugs, which are presented in assortment, are most often found. In addition, there are other options: flowing water filters with replaceable cartridges, water from them is discharged into a separate tap, nozzles on the tap.

Positive and negative feedback on Barrier filters

Barrier Filters
A comment
I have been using a jug with a "Stiffness-Iron" cassette for about 2 years now. The cassette is one of the most powerful, because in Barnaul, alas, there is a lot of rust in the pipes, and the kettle is covered with scum just instantly.

Enough for about a month, which is a huge achievement for our water. People mostly put filters under a sink or osmosis, but in my case with a rented apartment it makes no sense to put it on. In general, I recommend.
The company is good. If you select the correct cassette for the jug, there will be no problems with scum. Plus you can find replaceable cartridges in any store, there are a lot of them. The price is very reasonable, especially when taken in 3 + 1 packages.
Term of use
more than one year
Recommendation to others
I recommend
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Hard Water Filter
A comment
I took a filter for tap water Tortured with scum I began to take a filter for hard water On the third day scum appears And before the filter spent all the water on the bottom of the jug Now with a filter for hard water - only half is filtered The rest is at the top. A week later, at the bottom of the filter, the mucus and water turned pink. I was shocked. I bought another - the same
need pluses in the recall Otherwise, do not send
Cons described
Term of use
more than three years
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Not recommend
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No special effect
A comment
I have been using this filter for a month, to be honest, it slightly cleans water, I don’t really notice it. In addition, some kind of bitter taste at the water becomes, we are saved only by boiling.
The price is cheap.
It does not purify water, the water has a bitter aftertaste.
Term of use
a few months
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
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Full gamna filter
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Filter complete crap before cleaning water clogged food 500 food after 540 what can we say about such a filter ??? !!!
On the contrary, it still pollutes water
Term of use
less than a month
Recommendation to others
Not recommend
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Wonderful Ultra Grant Barrier Filter!
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I hasten to share with you, my impressions, from the operation of the Ultra Grant Barrier filter jug! I bought it a long time ago, I am completely satisfied with the quality of the filter. When I pour water into it, I’m sure that it will become completely purified.

This is a filter with replaceable cartridges, they will have to be changed often and this must be taken into account. Since the resource of sound functioning of the cartridge is designed for 350 liters of water, at home I usually change them every month.If this is not done, then there will essentially be no benefit from such a filter, since water simply cannot be cleaned normally.

It is also necessary to take into account that such a filter cannot be used for water unfit for drinking, the Barrier is not able to destroy bacteria and viruses!
Such a jug costs 550 rubles, cassettes are sold freely, it is not difficult to find them, and at a cost they come out from 160 rubles and more.
The filter itself is not expensive, it cleans water well, easy to operate
Cassettes need to be changed often and they are expensive, does not kill bacteria in the water
Term of use
more than three years
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I recommend
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  • Practicality
  • Price
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Barrier water purification system - Expert Classic does its job perfectly
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The tap water is of the worst kind, but the worst thing is that in its composition you can find elements that are not quite pleasant for the body. A couple of months ago I bought the Expert Classic Barrier filter. This is not just a regular water purification filter, but a whole system. In addition to the filter, a replaceable cartridge was attached, a trifle, but nice.

So, the Expert Classic Barrier filter is a three-stage system that eliminates unpleasant odor, removes mechanical particles, heavy metals and other troubles.

Three cartridges are included: carbon +, mechanics and simple carbon.

Carbon + - performs deep cleaning.
Mechanics - cleans of sand, rust and other things.
Prostkarbon - purifies water from chlorine, odor, etc.
Water purification is quick and the result is obvious. Now I completely forgot what scum in a teapot means.
Easy installation, ease of use, quality of water produced, the ability to purchase replaceable filters.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
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  • Practicality
  • Price
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EXTRA Barrier - Great Water Purification Filter
A comment
Still, being in position, I began to think about the purity of the water that we use daily. There are many different filters for water purification in stores. Prices are different, from affordable to expensive. At that time it was not possible to buy expensive, so I took the filter from the manufacturer "Barrier", I liked EXTRA more.

The filter is made of ordinary plastic, if you look at the volume of the funnel, I chose a small one for myself, only 1.1 liters. This is not enough for a family.
The lid is removed well; pouring water is not at all difficult. Water is filtered through a removable cartridge and after 5 minutes you can drink water. Cassettes need to be changed every 3 months. There is a cassette within 180 rubles, they are sold in 4 types: standard, fluorine +, iron and stiffness.

Water is cleaned well, the filter collects and retains all the harmfulness.
Cheap and reliable water purification
Expensive components, they need to be changed often
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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